334 research outputs found

    The Theory of Suprematism and the Event: The Search for the Possibility of Transformation

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    This article proposes to revise the established research approach to Suprematism as a utopian futuristic project. The conceptual analysis of the texts created by K. Malevich (1879–1935) in the period from 1915 to 1922 and devoted to pointlessness has shown that the theory of Suprematism can be viewed as a kind of synthesis of ideas of the fourth dimension (Ch. H. Hinton) and the evolution of human consciousness (P. Ouspensky). It makes it possible to regard the principles of the theory of suprematism through the prism of the concept of the Event. Though the term itself was never used by K. Malevich, the idea of a new way of seeing and a flash of the reason that leads to the possibility of subjective transformation are in line with the meaning of the Event, as seen in philosophical and esoteric thought. The article puts forward the thesis according to which K. Malevich was exposed to these ideas in the atmosphere of spiritual quests of the 1910s and early 1920s. K. Malevich, M. Matyushin, and A. Kruchenykh took part in the production of the opera Victory over the Sun which served as a venue of creative interaction and an outlet for creative approaches and conceptual reinterpretation. Here one can clearly see the logical isomorphism of the artistic practice of the opera creators, based on a specific interpretation of time and the idea of the evolution of consciousness, and those ideas that underlay the esotericism of their time. Another indirect argument in favor of the thesis about the presumed parallelism of the theory of K. Malevich and the concept of the Event is the performative nature of the texts written by the author of the Black Square. According to K. Malevich, through overcoming meaning as the victory over reason and objectivity, the gap between the modus of postulating the possibility of transformation and the real experience of the sense of immortality. This also points to the similarity of his ideas and the esoteric project of irrational cognition and control over the mysterious. Thus, Suprematism can be interpreted as the Event of subjective transformation, and the theory of Suprematism can be viewed as a tool that allows one to experience a sense of immortality, accessible to both the creator and the viewer, who develop the creative will for the future

    Effects of diabetes family history and exercise training on the expression of adiponectin and leptin and their receptors

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    The daughters of patients with diabetes have reduced insulin sensitivity index (ISI) scores compared with women with no family history of diabetes, but their ISI increase more in response to exercise training(1). The present study aimed to determine whether differences between these groups in exercise-induced changes in circulating adiponectin and leptin concentrations and expression of their genes and receptors in subcutaneous adipose tissue (SAT), could explain differences in the exercise-induced changes in ISI between women with and without a family history of diabetes

    Methyltrimethoxysilane-based elastic aerogels: effects of the supercritical medium on structure-sensitive properties

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    Effects caused by the type of solvent used for supercritical drying on the properties of methyltrimethoxysilane-based aerogels were studied. All of the aerogel samples studied were found to be hydrophobic and to efficiently adsorb nonpolar organic compounds

    A model for making investment decisions contributing to the heating supply companies’ development, taking into account the restrictions arising in the applying tariffs conditions with the “alternative boiler house” method

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    The study presents a model for making investment decisions that contribute to the development of heating supply companies (hereinafter referred to as HSC), taking into account the restrictions that arise in the conditions of applying tariffs using the “alternative boiler house” method. The study presents a generalized procedure for determining investment projects for the development of heating supply systems, considering the interests of participants in the heat supply of the territory, a curiosity assessment of the main participants in the heat supply of the territory. The weight of the criteria obtained as a result of the analysis is further used in the decision-making model. The simplex method was used as the basis for the implementation of the author’s model of investment decision-making. The simplex method is one of the methods for solving linear programming problems. An algorithm for optimizing the development function of the heating supply system by the simplex method and the index of the development of HSC in the conditions of applying tariffs using the “alternative boiler hous” method is proposed. The study presents a financing plan for a real project for the construction of a new boiler house

    Ilizarov bone transport combined with the Masquelet technique for bone defects of various etiologies (preliminary results)

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    BACKGROUND: The Ilizarov bone transport (IBT) and the Masquelet induced membrane technique (IMT) have specific merits and shortcomings, but numerous studies have shown their efficacy in the management of extensive long-bone defects of various etiologies, including congenital deficiencies. Combining their strong benefits seems a promising strategy to enhance bone regeneration and reduce the risk of refractures in the management of post-traumatic and congenital defects and nonunion that failed to respond to other treatments. AIM: To combine IBT and IMT for the management of severe tibial defects and pseudarthrosis, and present preliminary results of this technological solution. METHODS: Seven adults with post-traumatic tibial defects (subgroup A) and nine children (subgroup B) with congenital pseudarthrosis of the tibia (CPT) were treated with the combination of IMT and IBT after the failure of previous treatments. The mean number of previous surgeries was 2.0 ± 0.2 in subgroup A and 3.3 ± 0.7 in subgroup B. Step 1 included Ilizarov frame placement and spacer introduction into the defect to generate the induced membrane which remained in the interfragmental gap after spacer removal. Step 2 was an osteotomy and bone transport of the fragment through the tunnel in the induced membrane, its compression and docking for consolidation without grafting. The outcomes were retrospectively studied after a mean follow-up of 20.8 ± 2.7 mo in subgroup A and 25.3 ± 2.3 mo in subgroup B. RESULTS: The “true defect” after resection was 13.3 ± 1.7% in subgroup A and 31.0 ± 3.0% in subgroup B relative to the contralateral limb. Upon completion of treatment, defects were filled by 75.4 ± 10.6% and 34.6 ± 4.2%, respectively. Total duration of external fixation was 397 ± 9.2 and 270.1 ± 16.3 d, including spacer retention time of 42.4 ± 4.5 and 55.8 ± 6.6 d, in subgroups A and B, respectively. Bone infection was not observed. Postoperative complications were several cases of pin-tract infection and regenerate deformity in both subgroups. Ischemic regeneration was observed in two cases of subgroup B. Complications were corrected during the course of treatment. Bone union was achieved in all patients of subgroup A and in seven patients of subgroup B. One non-united CPT case was further treated with the Ilizarov compression method only and achieved union. After a follow-up period of two to three years, refractures occurred in four cases of united CPT. CONCLUSION: The combination of IMT and IBT provides good outcomes in post-traumatic tibial defects after previous treatment failure but external fixation is longer due to spacer retention. Refractures may occur in severe CPT

    Common Patterns of Prediction of Literacy Development in Different Alphabetic Orthographies

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    We are grateful to Brett Kessler for computing the consistency estimates in each of the four languages of this studyPrevious studies have shown that phoneme awareness, letter-sound knowledge, rapid automatized naming (RAN), and verbal memory span are reliable correlates of learning to read in English. However, the extent to which these different predictors have the same relative importance in different languages remains uncertain. In this article, we present the results from a 10-month longitudinal study that began just before or soon after the start of formal literacy instruction in four languages (English, Spanish, Slovak, and Czech). Longitudinal path analyses showed that phoneme awareness, letter-sound knowledge, and RAN (but not verbal memory span) measured at the onset of literacy instruction were reliable predictors, with similar relative importance, of later reading and spelling skills across the four languages. These data support the suggestion that in all alphabetic orthographies, phoneme awareness, letter-sound knowledge, and RAN may tap cognitive processes that are important for learning to read.Grant PITN-215961 – ELDEL from the Marie Curie, Seventh Framework Programm

    A Multi-Model Paradigm in Application to the Analysis of the Factors Defining the Epizootic Situation in the Communities of Non-Synanthropic Small Mammals in Ekaterinburg

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    The aim of the work was to rank statistical models for assessing the contribution of a number of factors that determine the epizootic situation on natural-focal infectious diseases in the communities of non-synanthropic small mammals (SM) in the forests of Ekaterinburg.Materials and methods. The SM survey was carried out for three years in the summer-autumn period. The animals were caught with snap tpaps on a standard bread bait, 9705 trap-nights were worked out. To identify infections (hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, tularemia, leptospirosis, yersiniosis, pseudotuberculosis), 333 SM specimens (rodents and shrews of six species) were used, randomly taken from the general sample. To determine the pathogens, the methods of enzyme immunoassay and polymerase chain reaction were used. The cumulative infection rate of small mammals with all studied natural-focal infections was evaluated. Statistical data processing was carried out from the standpoint of a multi-model approach. The selection of models was performed using the Akaike information criterion with the calculation of the sum of the weights of the models based on their full spectrum (SW).Results and discussion. Carriers of all of the mentioned above infections, except for pseudotuberculosis, have been identified in the forest parks of Ekaterinburg. According to the ranking, the model with three predictors received the highest weight: species, year, and the abundance of SM of the previous year in a particular habitat. The most significant predictors for the full spectrum of models are the year (SW=1), species (SW=0.6), abundance of animals in the current and previous year (SW=0.48). The distribution of positive samples by species of small mammals corresponded to their ranking by abundance in the community. The influence of the factors “season” (summer or autumn) and “area” (place of capture of animals) turned out to be insignificant on the scale of the studies (SW = 0.3 and 0.16, respectively). The percentage of infected samples in total for all infections varied significantly by location and year (0–60%). The possible significance of unaccounted factors is discussed: landscape features and the mode of using forest parks, dispersal of small mammals. The conclusion is made about the usefulness of the multi-model approach in the analysis of the data from epizootiological studies